1. Capture images of the terrain around the store to identify physical barriers to access: GIS analysis can be used to analyze the terrain and identify any physical barriers that might hinder customers from accessing the store. For example, GIS can determine if there are steep slopes, rivers, or other obstacles that may make it difficult for customers to reach the store. By identifying these barriers, the store can take appropriate measures to improve access, such as building ramps or bridges.
2. Identify the addresses of all the residences within five miles of the store so coupons can be sent to them: GIS analysis can be used to determine the exact location and addresses of residences within a specific radius of the store. This information can then be used to target customers through personalized marketing efforts such as sending coupons, flyers, or promotional materials to attract them to the store.
3. Track an individual customer’s route to and from the store to determine traffic flow problems: By using GIS analysis, it is possible to track the routes taken by individual customers to and from the store. This information can be used to identify traffic flow problems, such as congested roads or intersections, that might discourage customers from visiting the store. With this information, the store can work with local authorities or transportation departments to improve traffic management, signage, or even provide alternative routes to facilitate easier access.
4. Geographic information system (GIS) cannot be used for this type of analysis: This statement is incorrect. GIS is a powerful tool that can be utilized in various ways to understand and analyze geographical data, including customer behavior and market trends. It can certainly be used to increase the number of customers that shop at a store, as mentioned in the three previous points.
Assess how geographic information system (GIS) analysis could be used to increase the number of customers that shop at a store.
1. capture images of the terrain around the store to identify physical barriers to access
2. identify the addresses of all the residences within five miles of the store so coupons can be sent to them
3. track an individual customer’s route to and from the store to determine traffic flow problems
4. Geographic information system (GIS) cannot be used for this type of analysis.
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