As part of their chores on Saturday mornings, they have to clean the bathrooms and wash the floors of the house while their parents go grocery shopping. In one hour’s time, Mike can clean two bathrooms or wash six floors. Linda, on the other hand, can clean three bathrooms or wash seven floors. The house has four bathrooms and ten rooms’ worth of floors. All along, Mike and Linda have been splitting up the work in half for each job, and thus every Saturday, each has been cleaning two bathrooms and five floors respectively.

1.Who has an absolute advantage in cleaning the most bathrooms and floors in the least amount of time?

2.On the basis of comparative advantage, who has a comparative advantage in cleaning bathrooms in the least amount of time, and who has a comparative advantage in cleaning floors in the least amount of time?

3.If Mike and Linda wish to reduce their opportunity costs of spending time cleaning on Saturdays, how much time will each save each Saturday if specialization based upon comparative advantages is used to divide up the work?

1 answer

1) Linda
2) Mike then Linda