More than half of 293,027,571
or more than 146,513,785 people live within 80 km of an ocean.
As of July 2004, the population of the United States was 293,027,571. If more than half of these people live within 80 kilometers of an ocean, about how many people live within distance?
I guess I have to look to find the conversion of kilometers to diatance. I had no luck in finding this. Please if you can help me in solving this problem, I been working on this all night, parents didn't have a clue.
10 answers
I just put half of 293,027,571 is 146,513,785 (wich it is) so alittle more than that live in that distance
How are you suppose to solve this?
You divide by 2 and get 1146,513,785 and a remainder as 1. But the thing that I dint get is that it say how many people will live within between that distance??? So maybe we have to estimate the number we just got from dividing and that is our answer.
If u look at the question carefully it says about how many which means estimate!!!๐๐
293,027,571รท80= 3,662,844.6375
where is the work for the answer
i have no odea
I have absolutely no idea what this is