1. Planning for a test involves determining the time needed for studying, reviewing notes and previous assignments, and prioritizing the content matter to be studied.
2. Students should determine the format of questions on the test and practice answering those types of questions.
3. Each student should understand his or her learning style and utilize study aids that reflect personal strengths.
4. Planning and practicing may not be fun, but they can build confidence and lead to test-taking success.
5. Test-taking success can be greatly improved by taking the time to organize a test preparation strategy.
A. 1, 4, 2, 3, 5
B. 2, 3, 5, 1, 4
C. 4, 1, 5, 2, 3
D. 5, 1, 3, 2, 4
2). Understanding which flavors complement each other can take years of practice.
2. Following these basic tenets will allow you to produce recipes that your friends and family will love to share.
3. Once you've mastered flavor combinations, however, there's no end to the tasty experiments you can think up.
4. The key to developing a truly delicious and user-friendly recipe is to focus on flavor combinations and simplicity.
5. For kitchen experiments to become usable recipes, you should keep the user in mind and focus on clear, concise instructions.
Using the sentences above, which of the following sentence orders best forms an organized, logical paragraph?
A. 1, 3, 4, 5, 2
B. 2, 1, 3, 5, 4
C. 4, 1, 3, 5, 2
D. 5, 2, 1, 4, 3
my answers are 1)D 2)D
2 answers
United Nations, 310, 314, 362
charter of, 311
Declaration of, 309
United States, 225, 238, 275, 289
in Big Four, 322, 325-7
in League of Nations, 299
Lend-Lease policy of, 307
Neutrality of, 305
as United Nations sponsor, 313
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 316
"The essence of the Declaration achieved a central goal of the United States, binding the three great nations – as well as the smaller powers- to fight together until the Axis was defeated."
Using the index, which of the following pages would likely contain the sentence above?
A. 305
C. 311
D. 316
2. Cridder Getter Ridder Pest Control
We are the environmentally friendly exterminating service for your home. We get those pests that nobody wants to see. We offer:
Total pest control
Senior discounts
Money-back guaranteed results in 3 days
Money-back guaranteed no pests for 1 year
Safe return home 1 hour after treatment is complete
We belong to the National Pest Control Society, as well as the Urban Pest Control Society. We have been in
business for over 50 years, 20 of which have been in this town.
Which of the following statements is supported by the advertisement?
A. Cridder Getter Ridder will provide a refund if a customer has pests return 1 0 months after treatment.
B. Cridder Getter Ridder's practices are environmentally certified by the National Pest Control Society.
C. Customers can return home safely 1 hour after the exterminator arrives at the property.
D. This particular exterminator company has been in business in this town for 50 years.
MY answers are 1)D 2)A