specialized vocational and technical education
It means, should we stop broadly educating folks, and concentrate on specific skills which we think they can use for the next 40 years?
Argumentive Essay (3 pages)
Topic question: Should future educational institutions move toward a specialized educational approach (as seen in technical school), and stray from the traditional well-rounded approach?
I need help with:
-What keywords would be helpful to type in when I'm searching for sources?
-What does this topic mean? (Can someone simplify/explain this for me?)
3 answers
It means, as bobpursley wrote, skills (vocational skills) useful in earning a paycheck as opposed to knowledge of the larger world around us, as in civics, history, English language, science, etc.
Keywords you might use might include "secondary education", "vocational education", "general education", "high school curricula controversies", "vocational versus general education".