Are there any improvments I can make in this paragraph? also i need a word for the place where there is a ----. i can't seem to find a word to put in there:
This is a new concept, designed specifically for gaming.
It was designed so it could allow people to interact without the ordinary input devices such as a keyboard, mouse etc.
There are two touch screen surfaces and a reclining function for comfort --- interacting with the device.
The screen is 18 inches wide, and it turns transparent when not in use.
This device offers relaxation and comfort while playing games, also with that futuristic look.
6 answers
But is the paragraph OK?
Can i make any improvements or corrections?
Can i make any improvements or corrections?
It looks good -- you've described it well. The only thing I'm not clear about is if a reclining chair is part of the device.
MC... What does the "This" refer to? Put the name of the object there instead of 'this".
Instead of "so it could allow" use "to allow".
This sentence is really awkward....
There are two touch screen surfaces and a reclining function for comfort --- interacting with the device...
I would put a period after comfort.
This futuristically designed device offers relaxation and comfort while playing games.
Instead of "so it could allow" use "to allow".
This sentence is really awkward....
There are two touch screen surfaces and a reclining function for comfort --- interacting with the device...
I would put a period after comfort.
This futuristically designed device offers relaxation and comfort while playing games.
I put this there because it's a powerpoint.
You put the last sentence really good. Thanks
You put the last sentence really good. Thanks