are individuals empowered and do they understand their human rights or when their rights/the rights of others are being violated.provide five reasons for your analysis and standpoint.
40 answers
This asks for your analysis and viewpoint, not mine. What kind of help do you need to answer this question?
individuals should know and understand their human rights, and by knowing these rights they will know when these rights are being violated.
poor service delivery
are individual empowered and do they understand their human rights or when their rights or rights of others are being violated
are individuals empowered and do they understand their human rights or when their rights or the rights of others are being violated. provide five reasons for your analysis and standpoint.
Are individuals empowered and do they understand their human rights or when their rights or when their rights/the rights of others are being violated.provide five reasons for your analysis and standpoint
Don't understand the question but my research is about violence against women
What's the answer
Yes I think they are because of having protest for poor service
Yes .
We strike as human beings to show that we understand our rights
We strike as human beings to show that we understand our rights
Rights empower individuals as well as each other.....people should know and understand the term human rights!
Yes because rights empower individuals as well as each other
Are the individuals empowered and do they understand their human rights or when their or others are being violated
Yes they do because they are able to protest when they are not satisfied
extent to which the following institution have on supported affected communities-government,community organisation,religious organisation
no individual is empowered...@k_swag_sa please like and follow DGS
yes they are because the are able to stand up for their rights
i need help about human rights that individual rights are violated
discuss the contributing factors that lead to this issu
Why shld we answer a question given to you not us?
Yes they are aware because they protest which shows they understand their rights
they protest against human rights violations,they report the violation and communities support victims by having their own organisations against human rights
are individuals empowered and do they
understand their human rights or when
their rights/the rights of others are
being violated.provide
understand their human rights or when
their rights/the rights of others are
being violated.provide
As long as we still have women and children who are abused everyday and can not report this issue then we don't understand our rights
No they don't know, the are women an men in they work who are being sexual abused even young children who can't speak for them selves. They do not know that they human right is being abused
No they are not empowered because even today we still have indivisuals that are being treated unfairly
Yes they understand becouse they are able to protest when they are satisfied
No we really don't understand our human rights ,because women out there are been abused by their husbands and they think men are the head of the houses
Yes ..because the number of protests in our country is increasing every day proving that people are aware that some of their rights are been violated
yes because some people join unions for in case if their rights get violated
they can but that doesn't necessarily empower them if they are pitted
Victim's/community leaders/youth activists.
If you could a right, which right would you add and which one would u erase??
they are not empowered because there are albinisms that are given equal rights they are killed.
Many reports of abuse shows no empowered individuals ever😟