Are danse, danses, and dansent pronounced the same way?
5 answers
I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.
Yes. However the Académie Française exaggerates the end, so instead of "danse" which is one syllable (the "a" pronounced "ahhh" of course), it would be "dan-se" (dahhnsuh) or two syllables.
This makes French a bit more difficult for students, so be sure to hear the subject noun or pronoun. To make it even more confusing both "il danse" and "ils dansent" are identical in sound!
Sra, aka Mme
This makes French a bit more difficult for students, so be sure to hear the subject noun or pronoun. To make it even more confusing both "il danse" and "ils dansent" are identical in sound!
Sra, aka Mme
Thank you so much for your detailed and informative response!
de rien = you're welcome!
Sra, aka Mme
Sra, aka Mme