Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be expressed as a simple fraction, meaning they cannot be represented as the ratio of two integers. Their decimal representations are non-repeating and non-terminating. Here are some well-known irrational numbers along with their approximate values:
√2 (Square root of 2)
- Approximate value: 1.414
π (Pi)
- Approximate value: 3.14159
e (Euler's number)
- Approximate value: 2.71828
√3 (Square root of 3)
- Approximate value: 1.732
√5 (Square root of 5)
- Approximate value: 2.236
√7 (Square root of 7)
- Approximate value: 2.646
√11 (Square root of 11)
- Approximate value: 3.317
φ (Golden ratio, approximately 1.618)
- Approximate value: 1.61803
√6 (Square root of 6)
- Approximate value: 2.449
√10 (Square root of 10)
- Approximate value: 3.162
These values are often used in mathematics, science, and engineering, where exact values are not feasible due to their irrational nature but estimates are needed for calculations.