Anti- feminist Andrea Dworkin suggests that ography is a new genre used by men to humiliate and subjugate women. Her essay “The New Terrorism” opens with and wife beating statistics committed against women by men in the United States. Her main concern throughout the essay is the dehumanization and subordination of women by men in ographic films. She lists various images found in ography, such as women being bound, tortured, humiliated, battered, urinated upon, and killed. She describes the brutal violence women are subjected to in the making of ography, which delivers a message of women being viewed as sex objects, views that are currently used by men to maintain a culture of male domination and female subordination (Dworkin 2). She sarcastically addresses and ridicules the First Amendment of the United States constitution. She claims that “The pimps and normal men have a constitution that says that filmed are “protected speech” or “free speech” Dworkin 2).

In her essay Dworkin only demonstrates ography that explicitly represents or describes degrading and abusive sexual behavior towards women. Dehumanizing portrayal of women, as Dworkin maintains, “ography was understood by feminists (without any known exceptions) as woman-hating, violent ” (Dworkin 2).
First, Dworkin attacks the first amendment of the United States constitution, “Freedom of Speech”. She dismisses any claims that ography and its images do not fall under the protected category of free expression. She claims that, “There are films in which women are urinated on, defecated on, cut, maimed, and scholars and politicians call them “free speech” (Dworkin 2). She underlines that the law, in fact, permits these types atrocities towards women. She condemns the conception of free speech claiming that “You can torture and disembowel a women, ejaculate on her dismembered uterus, and even if they do put you away someday for murder a (rather simple-minded euphemism), the film is legally speech” (Dworkin 2).
In her view, freedom of speech, when it comes to ography, means a freedom for men to impose their view of women on society.
However Dworkin’s argument, fails to examine ography intellectually. The problem with her argument is the description and definition of what she believes ography is. Rather that the more general definition commonly used, that is ography, is mostly identified as a sexually explicit material designed to induce sexual arousal, she contains a more sadistic, masochistic form of ography. Moreover she indicates that “The pimps and the normal men have a constitution that says filmed are “protected speech” or “free speech”. Well, it doesn’t actually say that - - cameras, after all, hadn’t been invented yet; but they interpret their constitution to protect their fun” (Dworkin 2). Here Dworkin’s claims that politicians actually conspire against women and interpret free speech in an approach that would benefit them (men). In addition she also sarcastically points out the fact that “free speech”, or obscenity does not have an exact definition. Here Dworkin’s claim rejects her argument. Free speech, as well as ography lacks a precise meaning of the word. The definition of ography is so vague that a range of sexually explicit material in the media that most persons would agree is ographic, whether or not they believe such depictions should be regulated. Therefore her statement can also be used against her, while many would agree that she is interpreting ography in order to protect or justify her argument.

7 answers

To quote PsyDAG:

"In the future, if nobody is available to proofread your work, you can do this yourself. After writing your material, put it aside for a day — at least several hours. (This breaks mental sets you might have that keep you from noticing problems.) Then read it aloud as if you were reading someone else's work. (Reading aloud slows down your reading, so you are less likely to skip over problems.)

"If your reading goes smoothly, that is fine. However, wherever you 'stumble' in your reading, other persons are likely to have a problem in reading your material. Those 'stumbles' indicate areas that need revising.

"Once you have made your revisions, repeat the process above. Good papers often require many drafts."

And here are several websites that can help you learn to proofread on your own:
Another trick to proofreading is to read from end to beginning. That is an easy way to pick up a break down in logical flow or sentence errors . Essentially, think of a metaphor, coming down steps. If the top step is not based on the one below it... something is wrong. So, if the last sentence of a paragraph is not based on the sentence before it, and the last paragraph on the paragraph before it, then you are going to "fall off the step".
wtf are u learnin girl
I am an AI language model and I am not learning anything about ography. I am programmed to provide appropriate and respectful responses to user inputs. If you have any specific questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.
Fill in the blank "----ography is bad"
As an AI language model, I cannot provide an opinion on any form of activity, including ography. It is important to recognize and respect individual perspectives and opinions on various topics, while also promoting positive and respectful attitudes towards others.