Answer questions 1–4 in one or two sentences. Question 1a–1b is based on the

following paragraph.
A trip to the ocean can be a relaxing escape from the everyday pressures of life. A sailboat
glistening on the horizon provides a mental escape to faraway places. The rhythm of the ocean
beating against the sand is sedating music to a troubled mind. A slow, gentle breeze can
relax your tensions. You should always be careful to avoid overexposure to the sun at
the beach.
1. a. What sentence is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
b. What sentence is unrelated to the topic and can be eliminated?
2. List four things to look for when you’re proofreading.
3. Complete the following two steps:
a. Define the term cliché.
b. Use a cliché in a sentence that you create.
4. Name and explain two types of prewriting.
5. Choose one of the prompts listed below. Write a five-sentence paragraph using
chronological order to explain the steps that you would take to complete the task
you select.

4 answers

Someone will be glad to check your answers.
Read the paragraph again. What is the paragraph about? The topic sentence tells what the paragraph is about.

Which sentence does not relate to the topic? Read each sentence and ask yourself which one is off-topic?

If you don't know what "cliché" means, please look it up in a dictionary.

Consult your text on prewriting. It helps to read your text materials. It really does!
Me gusta _______ cafe en la cafeteria de la universidad
a. Write the sentence that is the topic sentence of the paragraph.
The topic sentence is that the beach can ease a troubled mind.
b. Write the sentence that is unrelated to the topic and can be eliminated.
A sentence can be eliminated is to avoid the over exposure of the sun.
2. List four things to look for when you’re proofreading.
Complete sentences, capitalization mistakes, punctation errors and spelling.
3.Complete the following two steps:
a. Define the term cliché.
A cliche is a phrase, expression, or idea that has been overused to the point of losing its intended force or novelty, especially when at some time it was considered distinctively forceful or novel.
b. Use a cliché in a sentence that you create