Since you do not provide the English of what you are attempting to say, I hope I read it the way you intended.
La nueva maestra tiene el pelo castaño y largo. Elle es alta y hoy tiene (OR lleva) una falda larga. ¡Qué triste (caution here! es = she is ALWAYS sad, vs está = she is temporarily sad) ella! ¿Por qué no está contenta? (Why isn't she happy today, vs. "Por qué no es contenta" = why is she NEVER happy?)
No lo sé.....pues, ¡vamos a ver!
Be sure to learn how to put the necessary accent marks. If you tell me whether you have a MAC or PC, Windows or not, I can provide a "chart" for you. Accent marks make a word right or wrong, comprehensible or not!
another question.. does this make sense or should i change tiene es and esta?
La nueva maestra tiene pelo castano y largo. ella es alta y hoy esta una falda larga. que triste es ella! por que no es contenta? no lo se.. pues vamos a ver!
Thanks so much!
2 answers
You used tener correctly in the first sentence and es in the second sentence but when you said esta una falda larga, it translates to "is a long skirt." You should say, "and today she wears a long skirt," (the verb llevar is to wear). Also, when explaining temporary feelings, use esta and not es. (esta triste and esta contenta). Otherwise it's fine.