An HR consultant conducted a study of determinants of beginning salary of employees at a local parastatal. The results of the study are presented below.
a. Predictors: (Constant), gender of employees, age of employee (yrs), job category, education level in years, work experience in months b. Dependent Variable: beginning salary
a. Dependent Variable: beginning salary
(a) State the coefficient of determination and interpret its value. [3]
(b) Describe the impact of each factor on beginning salaries. [5]
(c) Which factor has the greatest influence on beginning salaries of employees at this parastatal? Justify your answer. [3]
(d) Conduct an F-test for the overall significance of the regression model. [5]
2 answers
You will need data to work this study.
Whew, I wondered why I could not make any headway here.