An eyepiece is made of two positive thin lenses, each of focal length f = 20 mm, separated by a distance of 16 mm. (a) Where must a small object viewed by the eyepiece be placed so that the eye receives parallel light from the eyepiece? (b) Does the eye see an erect image relative to the object? Is it magnified? (c) Use a ray-trace diagram to answer these questions by inspection.

2 answers

An eyepiece is made of two positive thin lenses, each of focal length f = 20 mm,
separated by a distance of 16 mm. (a) Where must a small object viewed by the
eyepiece be placed so that the eye receives parallel light from the eyepiece? (b) Does
the eye see an erect image relative to the object? Is it magnified? (c) Use a ray-trace
diagram to answer these questions by inspection.
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