Volume of any right cone is 1/3 base area*height
An equilateral triangle of side 14 centimeters is revolved about an altitude to form a cone. What is the number of cubic centimeters in the volume of the cone? Express your answer to the nearest whole number, without units.
I have tried solving this but it is hard how to imagine it...is the side like 14 in????
6 answers
is this for artofproblemsolving? I have the same question. Idk but I think it is close to 343√3/3π.
622.1 ish
An equilateral triangle of side 14 centimeters is revolved about an altitude to form a cone. What is the number of cubic centimeters in the volume of the cone? Express your answer to the nearest whole number, without units.
Verified answer:622
Verified answer:622
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