An aspirin tablet weighing 0.650 g has been analyzed and contains 68.2 % ASA (180.16 g/mol) by mass. A student dissolved
the tablet in hot NaOH and the cooled solution was diluted with DI water to the mark in a 250 mL volumetric flask. Exactly 3.00 mL
of the solution was pipetted into a 100 mL volumetric flask and diluted to the mark with FeCl3 solution.
The concentration of the diluted solution is__________ in M.
-it didn't work when i tryed it before? please help
2 answers
What didn't work when you typed it before? I worked this problem for someone, perhaps you and perhaps another student. But let me point out that the problem does not state what it is that goes in the blank. I know concn but concn of what? Is it concn of the aspirin tablet; is it the concn of the aspirin in the aspirin tablet; is it the concn of the FeCl3. Just what do you want the concn of? And how do you propose to solve the problem. Give us your ideas.
thanks i got