draw a line from his final position to the centre and complete the triangle
all the way around is 2πr = 6π
so completed 6/6π or 1/π around the circle
Ø/360 = 6/6π
Ø = 360/π
= 114.59156°
cosØ = x/3 and sinØ = y/3
x = 3cosØ = -1.25
y = 3sinØ = 2.73
(-1.25)^2 + 2.73^2 = 9
radius = √9 = 3
An ant starts at the point (3,0) on a circle of radius 3 meters and walks counterclockwise a distance of 6 meters around the circle. Find the x and the y coordinates of the ants location.
Round to the nearest hundredth.
1 answer