An acid is comprised of 0.2g hydrogen, 7.1g chlorine and 12.8g oxygen. What is the most likely formula for this acid.
3 answers
Convert g to moles and find the ratio, in whole numbers. The easiest way to do that is to divide the smallest number by itself, then divide all the other molar quantities by that same small number. Post your work if you get stuck.
im not getting an answer
moles H = 0.2/1 = 0.2
moles Cl = 7.1/35.457 = 0.2
moles O = 12.8/16 = 0.8
So the empirical formula is
H0.2Cl0.2O0.8 BUT formulas are denoted with small whole numbers for the subscripts. So change all of them to make them into whole numbers AND keep the ratio the same. I repeat, the easiest way to do this is to divide the smallest number by itself, then divide the other two numbers by the same small number. You should come out with 3 small whole numbers.
moles Cl = 7.1/35.457 = 0.2
moles O = 12.8/16 = 0.8
So the empirical formula is
H0.2Cl0.2O0.8 BUT formulas are denoted with small whole numbers for the subscripts. So change all of them to make them into whole numbers AND keep the ratio the same. I repeat, the easiest way to do this is to divide the smallest number by itself, then divide the other two numbers by the same small number. You should come out with 3 small whole numbers.