Dear sir/madam, <~~ It would be far better to have a real person's name here. This anonymous type of greeting is dull.
The JIMENEZ INTERNET CAFE has been operating since last October 15, 2015.
There are 14 computers for the clients and 1 computer for the server.
The total expenditures for establishing the business and the monthly gross income amounts so far are as follows:
From: Genecito Jimenez
Dear sir/madam,
The JIMENEZ INTERNET CAFE has been operating the business started last Oct.15,2015.
There are 14 computers for the clients and 1 computer for server with the total of 15 pc's.
The total amount of expenses in putting up the business and the Monthly gross income are as follows:
Expenses Php 415,000
Gross sales Oct.2015 PHP 26,000
Gross sales Nov.2015 PHP 31,200
Gross sales Dec. 2015 PHP 33,800
Total PHP 91,000 Gross sales
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