Amy immigrated to a new city, and would like to make friends with her new neighbours.
On any particular day i, she feels shy with probability 1-p(0<p<1 ) and stays home; or, with probability p, she goes out and visits the i-th house in her neighborhood. At any house that she visits, either:
(i) someone is at the house and answers the door; this happens with probability q (where 0<q<1). In that case, Amy shows them a picture of her hometown;
(ii) no one is at the house and Amy returns home.
We assume that the collection of all events of the form {Amy stays home on day i} and {Someone is at the i-th house on day i}, for i-1, 2,....., are (mutually) independent.
a. What is the probability that Amy gives out a picture on the first day?
b. Fix some integers k and n, with n>= 1 and 0 <=k<=n. What is the probability that she gave out exactly k pictures on the first n days?
c. What is the probability that she stayed home on day 1, given that she did not give out a picture on that day?
d. Within the first week (7 days), what is the probability that there were no days in which Amy went out but did not give out a picture of her hometown?
13 answers
3. (1-p)/(1-p*q)
4. (1-p^7*(1-q)^7)/p^7
Correct me I am wrong.
(p*q)^k * (1-p*q)^(n-k)*(fact(k))/(fact(n-k)*fact(k)) OR
(p*q)^k * ((1-p)*q)^(n-k)*(fact(k))/(fact(n-k)*fact(k))
Probability of going out and not showing a picture: p * (1 - q)
Probability of all other events other than this one: 1 - p * (1 - q)
Probability of that happening all 7 days: (1 - p * (1 - q)) ^ 7
probability of not giving her picture on 7 days = (1-q)^7
since both events are independent, hence probability of going out on 7 days but not giving her picture= [p*(1-q)]^7
probability of going out on 7 days but not giving out a picture = [p*(1-q)]^7
1 - p^7*(1-q)^7
This is the probability that there was at least one day in which Amy went out but did not give out a picture of her hometown within the first week.
[1 - p(1-q)]^7
Thank you for catching that error.