All of your hard work and dedication has molded you into an amazing young lady.


All of your hard work and dedication have molded you into an amazing young lady.

7 answers


plural subject ... do you see that?

Hard work + dedication to me is a single subject, not compound.

All of your hard work and dedication has ..

Now if it had been
hard work and luck I would have went with compound subj.

Disclamer: I hated my 9th grade Grammar teacher, and it was certainly likewise.... I shut out a lot of lessons I should have mastered.
Well, Writeacher and I disagreed, but in general, you would be wise to trust Writeacher in these matters.
Well, actually, the subject is "All"

Is "All" singular or plural?
I'd decided that it was plural since "all" referred to two things -- hard work and dedication. But I backed off for the reasons that Bobpursley gave.
I disagree ... I see "hard work" and "dedication" as two different things.

It'll be up to Suzanne to decide!! =)
When I am trying to decide between 2 possible answers in a situation such as this, I say the sentences out loud. Which one sounds correct? This can help SOMETIMES... For instance: I ate an apple. OR I ate a apple. Say each one out loud... one sounds more reasonable compared to the other.