After the daughter in "Two Kinds" has grown up her mother and for us to give her a piano for her birthday. This action is that her mother.
A. Still believes that her daughter can become a great pianist .
B. Want to remind her daughter that she disappointed her parents.
C. Wants her daughter to know that she hasn't gotten over her disappointment .
D. Continues to feel better and never wants to see the piano again.
4) In which sentence about "Two Kinds" is the word reproach used correctly?
A. The mother would often reproach her with a new plan for fame.
B. Mr. Chong's reproach to the piano was based on keeping the rhythm.
C. The daughter felt reproach when she watched The Ed Sullivan Show.
D. Waverly Jong's behavior as a Chinese daughter was beyond reproach.
5) Using context clues in the following sentence from "Two Kinds" choose the correct meaning of the word devastated me: a quiet, blank look that said she had lost everything.
A. Failed
B. Surprised
C. Destroyed
D. Impressed
9 answers
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