After doing istikharah prayer,some ulama believe that one should open his heart to Allah and feels what his heart tells what he should do.On the other hand some ulama believe that one should just do what he intended to do before making the istikharah. If the thing is good for him, Allah will make it happen in a good way. If it is bad, Allah will make the situation as such that he is unable to carry out what he intended to do.In this case the istikharah is not to seek guidance.Rather more of seeking Allah’s assisstance to whatever decision that has been made. What is your opinion in this matter and the reasons for it.Thank you.
2 answers
I'm sure your teacher wants YOUR opinion, not ours.
This is not a question any tutor can answer for you. The purpose of the assignment is for you to come up with your own answer. Keep in mind that theological questions can be argued ad infinitum. If your teacher or imam or online curriculum (whatever you are doing) has given you no guidance, I would use your search engine to look up istikharah prayer. You will find a good many articles.