Adjectif masc sing fem sing fem Pl

bete betes bete betes

Mathmate I got some of them, but some are kind of hard

okay 1st I'll put the masc form, then fem, then mas pl, then fem pl.

diligents, diligente, diligentes
paresseux, paresseuse, paresseuses
timides, timide, timides
mechants, mechante, mechantes

mathmate I might need your help early in the morning, around 7:30 am. Jiskha's time is three hours ahead according to mine. When it is 11:47 pm on this site, it is 8:47pm where I live.

Thanks for your help.

7 answers

Is it about 8:59 pm your time? It is 11:59 Jiskha time for me.

If it is, it may work out. I have an appointment tomorrow morning till 10:15 am. (my Jiskha time). So 10:30-ish may be OK.

The four examples you gave are good. (masc. pl, fem. sing. and fem. plural).

You're doing well!
Also, don't forget, there are other French teachers who may be online first thing in the morning. So whenever you're ready, post what you need, and you may get an answer sooner.
Oops, I missed the missing accents:

méchant, méchants, méchante, méchantes
M.S. M.Pl. F.S. F.Pl.
bête bêtes bête bêtes
thanks how about
betes,bete,betes is 1st, fem.sing is 2nd and is last. that is actually the same for all of the other four I put up there, so you may want to check again to make sure I have got them right. there is no masc.sing up there.
oh, okay. I got it.
I notice no accents on your French, Anna! If you tell us whether you have a PC or a MAC, Windows or not, we can provide the "chart" showing you how to make accent marks on the computer. This is a MUST or you will have too many words that are incorrect.

Sra (aka Mme)