Act 2 of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley contains several messages. In a paragraph, explain how one of these messages are conveyed in the second act of the play. Include at least two details from the play to support your points.
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For question 9 on the quiz Unit three lesson 11 the independent reading selection is fiction so just pick your fav fiction book and write three good things abt it
In my opinion, when one person changes for the better, others are affected for the better. When Scrooge became kind he changed the lives of those around him, like Marley. At the beginning of the story Scrooge only thot about money and how he could get what he wanted, but at the end of the story, he tried to help other people get What they wanted to. Also at the beginning of the story, everybody was not as happy because they were always Dealing with Scrooge, But when Scrooge became kind and not greedy it made everybody happier. This is for question two.
Mohammad thank you so much! I was looking around for so long and someone finally posted it today. Thank u so much
Thanks so much Mohammad I was wondering how to write it out and after reading yours I understand it more and was able to make my own answer - thanks from Australia
is your name Australia cuz there's no way your in texas connections academy if u are
dont copy mohammad say it in your own words