According to Newton’s third law of motion, when a hammer strikes and exerts force on a nail to push it into a piece of wood, the nail (1 point)
1. creates a friction with the hammer.
2. exerts an equal force on the wood.
3. exerts an equal and opposite force on the hammer.
4. moves at a constant speed. <--- (picked 4)
2 answers
3. exerts an equal and opposite force on the hammer.
Just remember that a force always has an equal and opposite force opposing it. If I sit on a chair the chair (and floor) must push back with the same force I exert during sitting. When I was a student in physics class I asked "but how can that be?" and the prof answered. If the chair didn't push back you would fall on the floor. What about standing? Do you think the earth pushes back on your feet? Then stand in quicksand and see what happens when it doesn't push back.