I think you had best tell me first of all what you are trying to say. As it is, the sentence makes no sense.
Sra (aka Mme)
According to my teacher, I ommited a word between the vous and the attacherez, but I am not sure what. "Après ça, vous attachrez á l’épingle á ligne." I'm thinking maybe allez so it will read "after that, you are going to..." What do you think?
3 answers
After that, you attach the clothespin.
It could be the direct object pronoun “le” (l’ in front of a vowel)
French language has direct object pronouns, words that replace the direct object. Direct object pronouns take the place of the direct object nouns. While the direct object noun follows the verb, the pronoun is placed in front of it, for example: tu prends l’avion (you take the airplane), tu le prends (you take it).
For example ..Vous laverez votre linge et après, vous l’attacherez sur la corde à linge avec des pinces à linge.
You’ll wash your clothes and then you’ll fasten it on the clothesline with the clothespins
French language has direct object pronouns, words that replace the direct object. Direct object pronouns take the place of the direct object nouns. While the direct object noun follows the verb, the pronoun is placed in front of it, for example: tu prends l’avion (you take the airplane), tu le prends (you take it).
For example ..Vous laverez votre linge et après, vous l’attacherez sur la corde à linge avec des pinces à linge.
You’ll wash your clothes and then you’ll fasten it on the clothesline with the clothespins