A yo-yo of mass m rests on the floor (the static friction coefficient with the floor is μ). The inner (shaded) portion of the yo-yo has a radius R1, the two outer disks have radii R2. A string is wrapped around the inner part. Someone pulls on the string at an angle β (see sketch). The "pull" is very gentle, and is carefully increased until the yo-yo starts to roll without slipping. Try it at Home; it's Fun!
For what angles of β will the yo-yo roll to the left and for what angles to the right?
a)Yo-Yo rolls to the left if sinβ<R1R2, and to the right if sinβ>R1R2.
b)Yo-Yo rolls to the left if sinβ>R1R2, and to the right if sinβ<R1R2.
c)Yo-Yo rolls to the left if cosβ<R1R2, and to the right if cosβ>R1R2.
d)Yo-Yo rolls to the left if cosβ>R1R2, and to the right if cosβ<R1R2.
3 answers
sorry b)
b) is a wrong ansfer!!
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Answers should not be given untill the deadline!!
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