A while crossing a bridge that is 3.6 km long, a truck weighing 9000 N is stalls 0.6 km from the left side of the bridge

Calculate the torque about the left support due to the truck

4 answers

Wouldn't it depend on the weight of the bridge? OK, the bridge is massless.

about the left side: 9000*.6 is the torque due to the truck. Of course, the bridge weight matters, as does the right support holding half the bridge.
see that's where is confused me. It didn't give me anything for the weight of the bridge.
And I tried 9000*.6 and it's still saying i'm wrong.
This is kind of what the diagram looks like. O is the truck

F left
I ^ F right
V weight
torque on the left is: assume there is no support on the right side, and you are left with a wrench lever arm: distance from left: 600m x 9000N.