A: What is your specialty?

B: My specialty is taking pictures.
B1: It is taking pictures.
B2: Taking pictures is my specialty.
B3: Taking pictures in it.
Is this dialogue correct?
Are all answers are acceptable?

6 answers

B3 is odd, even though I know you meant "is" instead of "in."

The first three are fine. you could have B3 be simply "Taking pictures."
e.g. Taking pictures is it. 'in' should be changed into 'is'. What about this one?

Thank you for your kind explanation.
I'd like to post another question.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum again. Yes, on the last two!
I mean the floowing one.

e.g. Taking pictures is it.
Is this correct?
That's OK, but rather cumbersome. People would just leave off the words "is it."
How do u change a transitive verb into a intranstivie verb?