A tennis ball is a hollow sphere with a thin wall. It is set rolling without slipping at 4.07 m/s on a horizontal section of a track. It rolls around the inside of a vertical circular loop 90.0 cm in diameter and finally leaves the track at a point 20.0 cm below the horizontal section.

And the question is?

Regarding the question posted by Dan earlier today, I had the same problem trying to tackle this problem. Do you have suggestions on how I can set this problem up?

Thank you!

A tennis ball is a hollow sphere with a thin wall. It is set rolling without slipping at 4.19 m/s on a horizontal section of a track. It rolls around the inside of a vertical circular loop 90.0 cm in diameter and finally leaves the track at a point 24.0 cm below the horizontal section.

1 answer

tienes que sacar las energias