Was it any of these cartoons?
Who was the cartoonist?
A subversive is someone who is trying to overthrow or undermine a government or political system from within. With this in mind, explain what the cartoon's artist was trying to convey about American society in 1947?
30 answers
yes it was uncle sam and lady liberty
It reminds me of the saying, "Everyone's crazy except me and thee. And sometimes I wonder about thee." It means that suspicion was so rampant that many people doubted everyone else's patriotism.
It reminds me of the saying, "Everyone's crazy except me and thee. And sometimes I wonder about thee." It means that suspicion was so rampant that many people doubted everyone else's patriotism.
Just want to say HI to all the students at Connections and let you all know we see this post and others....plagiarism is a bad thing.
Yea but is it right??
No, it isn't right.
Lol the teachers caught us .
Maybe the reason we plagiarize is because we don't have the patience or time for the curriculum that teachers throw at us. How about something we want to learn about? Or something worth learning? I'm tired of teachers saying its bad for us to cheat. Honestly, if you were behind 10-20 lessons because you had something to do that day or you just had a crap of a day and couldn't focus, would you sit through every one of them? You don't know what the students go through each day, maybe we chose homeschooling because we thought it would be more flexible on time, because we don't have 8 hours of the day to learn about something that a majority say that they never used in their adulthood. In my case, I have to take care of 2 infants because my sister has work everyday, and I don't have more than five minutes in the day to work without my nephew breaking or getting into something. I resorted to doing at night but honestly, I'll be exhausted by then and there is just to much going on in my personal life for me to have the patience or care to do work. Don't even get me started on livelessons. If you have the time of the day, that's fine but if you literally don't have the time, and you are trying at the best of your ability while still getting a livable amount of sleep and food, then why not cheat? It may sound stupid to some, but I try to put my health and well-being before my education. If you honestly want kids to be interested in the content your providing, don't just think of it as a job or chore, think of it as an opportunity to give kids the education they will use and remember. Make it fun, and less time consuming if possible. Just a suggestion. And if you can't do that because its "not in your power" then get off our backs about "cheating"
Rose, I above and beyond understand how you feel and it's not even funny.
rose i feel you dawg
Well said Rose. Why don't these teachers and people who call us cheaters realize that all these lessons are cheating anyway. So many of them are outdated and not made interesting. Why would we want to learn when 1. It's too difficult to understand and 2. It's not layed out right.
Thank you so much for that, Rose. I'm not in a similar situation, but I really hope everything works out for you. I also thought that Connections would be extremely flexible and mesh well with my work ethic (I don't have a great attention span, so all of the textbook reading just loses me, I can't retain anything I learn here just by reading), but it really has been a massive chore. There's really no passion going into what I learn, at least with my teachers, and even when we're learning about something I'm interested in, the teachers don't care. They reuse the same lessons verbatim year after year, given how the test questions have been posted on sites like this one and answered almost half a decade ago. I just don't think they get the right to call students out like this when they don't modify lessons (beyond the way their system switches out questions on different student's tests).
Yeah, Rose I definitely understand how much a busy schedule makes you not want to do this incredibly hard school work in any way shape or form. I struggle with the motivation to do my work every single freaking day, sometimes I just go a full day without doing any homework because it's just so hard. And they say they offer tutor classes but I doubt that'll even help once you reach past Middle School. It's crazy how much brain effort we have to put into subjects that won't even affect most of our futures anyway. School used to be so much easier for our parents, but they fail to realize that. The only school I actually want to put effort into is a school where I'm doing what I'm passionate about.
homeschooling should be illegal if youre forced to do it my guy
Not homeschooling but "online schooling", and tbh Rose i feel you. They need to at least give us time to do lessons.I'm about 70 overdue lessons because they can't help me and I'm too shy to go for help even though I always tell them I will.
Hi I am your English teacher and all of you are in trouble for cheating
There is not a single teacher in our school named "Bucks" better luck next time bro
Maybe the problem for some of you is that you thought it was going to be easy sailing with no work on your part. The teacher has more than one person to work with, so their time is stretched also. Maybe if you went into online schooling with the attitude that it is a convenience for you to be able to complete your schooling you may do better. If you put your school first you would see that everything else would fall in line for you. If you knew you did not have time for school why did you even start? It is not the schools or the teachers fault if you are not getting your assignments done. Fess up to the fact you actually thought you were going to slide by.
Or maybe you can actually work and not complain about this, adn whos that fake teacher
I just came here for the answer
Jan, /r/woosh
Jan your logic is fundamentally flawed. School is about teaching the next generation of people. By default the students need to be put first or the entire concept of school falls apart and becomes irrelevant. I am currently working on my spring break to get caught up after moving and having no access to internet during the entire move. So even if I could "put my school first" nothing would "fall in line" for me at all. It would just result in me not being behind in school while my life falls apart.
To be entirely honest I hope that was a real teacher. So they can see what the students really feel about the outdated information they expect us to absorb without a second though like a sponge, while simultaneously forgetting about the fact that its nearly impossible to absorb information if the student isn't invested in the subject. Even worse if they are sleep deprived from just trying to get all these ridiculous assessments done before the semester is over.
Honestly, I have a masters in education and I think most the school systems are outdated and crazy. My children all have problems which prohibit a regular classroom setting but this online school is almost as bad. We should not be trying to get kids to memorize useless facts, we should be teaching them how to find and evaluate information in a timely manner. No job I have ever held required me to memorize anything other than safety procedures. Everything else had a manual that could be referenced as needed. So rather than trying to memorize facts, teach people to find the information and evaluate it for accuracy quickly and efficiently.
So did anyone answer the question
Honestly I don't really care, I just want the answer
Okay, he's the real cheater here! But I know work can be hard especially when we are depressed and stressed, a lot of us go through this BUT if you feel this way you should let you feelings out to someone else or ask for help. It's not bad to ask for help nor is it good to cheat. "I would prefer even to fail with honor than to win by cheating"
Jan, I pressed on your name and it shows that you have asked many many questions before.
Also "Mr bucks" if you were a real teacher I think you would at least write it properly, "Mr. Bucks". Your not even trying to be convincing.