a store owner wishes to hang a sign weighinh 750N so that cable A attached to the store makes a 30 degree angle from the vertical wall. cable B is attached horizontally to an ajoining building. calculate the necessary tension on cable B
|...\ A
3 answers
so theres a triangle now with an inside angle of 120
saaw somewhere the answer is 433 but that's not what im getting
Physics - Damon, Saturday, November 17, 2012 at 8:28pm
T sin 30 = force up = 730
T = 1460 N in cable A
T cos 30 = horizontal component = 1460 cos 30 = 1264 N
I did not post this...Damon did
This problem
is the same thing but with a sign weighing 730 N
T sin 30 = force up = 730
T = 1460 N in cable A
T cos 30 = horizontal component = 1460 cos 30 = 1264 N
I did not post this...Damon did
This problem
is the same thing but with a sign weighing 730 N