A short essay on "ma grand mere" using imperfait tense

3 answers

If you post your essay, someone here will be glad to check it for you.
First of all, get a good dictionary so you can check the spelling and gender of words: grand-mère, l'imparfait. Don't forget the necessary accent marks. Hopefully you can write a complete sentence. When you combine 5 of them, you usually have a good paragraph.

Use the vocabulary and structures you have studied and be sure all the adjectives agree in number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine) with any noun(s) modified.

comment s'appelle ta grande mere
quel age a-t-elle
d'ou habite-elle
ou habite-t-elle
elle est de quel teint
elle est de quel taille
quelle est sa proffesion
combien d'enfants a t-elle
comment s'appelle son mari.[epoux]
quel est son plat prefere
quel est son complement
oue fait-elle pendant son temps libre
tu l'aimes.pourquoi