Course made good = 120 deg (math teachers do not do navigation and always misuse the word bearing. Moreover ships do knots which are nautical miles per hour, not km/hr, but anyway) which is east + 30 deg south
East component of course made good = 12 cos 30 = 10.4 km/h
South component of course made good = 12 sin 30 = 6 km/h
Vs = speed of ship east
Vc = speed of current south
East speeds
Vs + 0 = 10.4 = ship speed
South speeds
0 + Vc = 6 = current speed
A ship is being steered due east. A current is flowing from north to south, so that the actual velocity of the ship is 12 km/h on a bearing of 120 degree . Find the speed of the current and still water speed of the ship
1 answer