What you DON'T do is average the three velocities. The number you gat will be close (in this case), but it won't be correct.
The total distance run is 300 x 3 = 900 m
The times required by the runners are
300/7.3, 300/7.2 and 300/7.8 s. That is 41.10, 41.67 and 38.46 s. The total time is 121.23s. Divide the total distance by that total time to get the everage speed.
I get about 7.424 m/s
The average of the three speeds is 7.433 m/s
A relay race is run along a straight line track 300.0 m long running south to north. 1st runner - starts at the South end of the track and passes the baton to a teammate at the north end of the track. 2nd runner - races back to the start line and passes the baton to a 3rd runner who races 100.0 m north to the finish line. The magnitude of the average velocities of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd runners during their parts of the race are 7.30 m/s, 7.20 m/s, and 7.80 m/s. What is the average velocity of the baton for the entire race?
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