convert to cm
the piece is 348 cm by 228 cm
for an area of
79344 cm^2
79344 = 16x9x551 or 551 x (144)
so he can cut 551 squares , each one being 12 cm by 12 cm
(Two things I see wrong with this question.
1. That is one very large piece of wood, never seen one that big , the largest sheet of wood I can get at my lumber yard is 4 by 8 ft which is appr. 122 cm by 244 cm
2. How could he make all those cuts without losing anything to sawcuts ?)
A rectangular piece of wood measures 3.48m by 2.28m. Ali wishes to cut squares of the largest possible size from it without any leftover. What is the length of each square piece?
3 answers
This nbab Hx Hx
This nbab Hx Hx