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"A race car is initially travelling at 75 mph at point A as it enters the S-curve shown."
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Kinematics of Particles - Curvilinear Motion
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A racecar is initially travelling at 75 mph at point A as it enters the S-curve shown. In order to successfully traverse the curve, the racecar driver applies his brakes and decelerates uniformly between point A and B. Point B is located 750 ft down the track from point A. After point B, the racecar driver accelerates uniformly for 850 ft until he returns the vehicle’s speed to 75 mph at point C. If the total acceleration of the vehicle at point A and point C is 10 ft/s2, determine
the tangential acceleration at point A
the total acceleration and velocity at the car approaches point B
the radius of curvature of the track at point C.
1 answer