A plane wave propagating along the positive z axis in vacuum is polarized along the y axis at a frequency of 3 GHz. Write the phasor of the E field, H field and Poynting vector.

Isn't a phasor the same regardless of the field it is on? Like E, H or Poynting?
How can I compute the phasor?


* Physics - bobpursley yesterday at 3:06pm

yes, if it is polarized along one plane. you know of course, H, and Poynting are different directions.

* Physics - Waves - AEC yesterday at 4:25pm

I'm having trouble determining its directions, how can I find them?

You are so useful man, you can't imagine how grateful I am.


I'm still having issues with this, could someone help? Thank you so much

2 answers

I don't see the issue here. Assign E in the y direction, B then in the x direction, and S=EXH or the z direction.
Alright in this case it is true, I can define it, but in my other question, where I have the coordinates in polar, how can I change everything to cartisian?