What is the first question?
What are your answers?
A: Passage of the Currency Acts
B: Passage of the Intolerable Acts
C: Passage of the Navigation Acts
D: Passage of the Stamp Act
2. Which of the following pairs did NOT disagree throughout the colonial period
A: Patriots and loyalists
B: Christopher Gadsen and Samuel Adams
C: Citizens of the Up country and citizens of the Low Country
D: The council and the Commons House
3: Who was elected president of the Continental Congress
A: George Washington
B: John Rutledge
C: Thomas Lynch
D: Henry Middleton
4: American colonists who were supporters of the British Crown and did not want to lose their position in society were called
A: Loyalists
B: Patriots
C: Imperialists
D: Parliaments
6 answers
My answers were
1. What event convinced SC to send representatives to the First Continental Congress?
2. Which of the following pairs did NOT disagree throughout the colonial period?
3. Who was elected President of the Continental Congress?
4. American Colonists who were supporters of the British Crown and did not want to lose their position in society were called _____.
1. What event convinced SC to send representatives to the First Continental Congress?
2. Which of the following pairs did NOT disagree throughout the colonial period?
3. Who was elected President of the Continental Congress?
4. American Colonists who were supporters of the British Crown and did not want to lose their position in society were called _____.
B is right I got a 4/4!!! Thank you
B is correct I got a 100%
b ur awesome
what yall doin cheating?
sike yall do what yall want
sike yall do what yall want