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A Nation Apart Identify the thesis statement in the article A Nation Apart. What strategies does the author use to formulate his argument? What makes the arguments so viable and compelling?
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how are native americans still discriminated against
I'll be glad to help you with your question about native Americans if you answer my questions about A Nation Apart.
Identify the thesis statement in the article A Nation Apart. What strategies does the author use to formulate his argument? What makes the arguments so viable and compelling?
Post your response to the following: Identify the thesis statement in the article A Nation Apart. What strategies does the author use to formulate his argument? What makes the arguments so viable and compelling?
How does the author of A Nation Apart organize information to build his argument? Does he include any counterarguments? Why or why not? What kinds of statistics, graphs, or illustrations does the author include? In what ways do these visuals strengthen the author’s arguments?