A mountain climber on Mt. Everest is at 29,035 feet above sea level. A stone at the bottom of the Dead Sea is at 1,349 ft below sea level. What pigsis the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone?
59 answers
29,035 + 1,349 = ?
Would it be positive or negative is what im wondering
Its negative
are you sure its negative
yes it is negative, and it is 29,035 - 1,345 not plus
@don'tleavemehanging Incorrect Number its 1,349 not 1,345
29,035 + (-1,349) you change it
29,035 - 1,349 = 27,686
the is the answer 27,686
29,035 - 1,349 = 27,686
the is the answer 27,686
So is it negative or positive!?
29,035 - (-1,349)= 30,429
the answer is 30,429
it's a positive
it's only a negative if the is a minus sign in front of it
the answer is 30,429
it's a positive
it's only a negative if the is a minus sign in front of it
it is 4:07 not 7:04
does anyone have the rest of the answers to the test
YE School Lover I do
BTW you guys are bad at math
If they are bad at math then you give us the answers
Yah so tell us the answer for this, Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.
A mountain climber on Mt. Everest is at 29,035 ft above sea level. A stone at the bottom of the Dead Sea is at 1,349 ft below sea level. What is the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone?
Integers Unit Test Part 2 for it question's 1-5 since your soooooooo smart
A mountain climber on Mt. Everest is at 29,035 ft above sea level. A stone at the bottom of the Dead Sea is at 1,349 ft below sea level. What is the difference in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone?
Integers Unit Test Part 2 for it question's 1-5 since your soooooooo smart
The answer's are
1. -35 ♡
2. -4 ♡
3. -5
4. 22,0007 for the plane one
5. -22
I hope this help's ♡
1. -35 ♡
2. -4 ♡
3. -5
4. 22,0007 for the plane one
5. -22
I hope this help's ♡
Oof I closed the website and couldn't find it. And I thought I broadcasted it. Oof
Welp I can confirm School Lover is
Welp I can confirm School Lover is
WOWWW YOU GUYS SUCK!!!!! (The only ones who don't suck are Yuri and Anonymous.)
It's positive. negative plus positive is always positive. I thought, if you're in 6th grade math in connexus, your teacher would teach you a THING so you won't come to Jishka looking for cheating answers! I only come to check my answers, not cheat! Get a brain!
It's positive. negative plus positive is always positive. I thought, if you're in 6th grade math in connexus, your teacher would teach you a THING so you won't come to Jishka looking for cheating answers! I only come to check my answers, not cheat! Get a brain!
into the unknown
next right thing
all is found
lost in woods
next right thing
all is found
lost in woods
the answer is 30,384 ft because, 29,035 - (-1,349)= 30,384.
Also, remember that when subtracting integers it's like adding them so this equation would be equivalent to, 29,035 + 1,349= 30,384
Also, remember that when subtracting integers it's like adding them so this equation would be equivalent to, 29,035 + 1,349= 30,384
"hello" has a point. You kids think you're SO smart. Not really, you even show your endless hate towards Mrs.Sue when she just tries to keep the system of the site working properly. She even made this site, if you hate her so much, why don't you just leave? What is your goal? Is hating everything and everyone the life you really want to have? Think about this, let's say you yell at a parent or friend, "I hate you! Go die!" How do you think they feel? How would YOU feel, as well? Sad? Guilty? That's right. You, and everyone else you yell that to, will feel sad and miserable. Trust me, it's not worth it. If you grow up to be such a moron, then you should just be arrested right there on the spot.
This isn't a cheating site either. It's to
OMG @Ihavenoidea WHAT DO U THINK UR DOING RN HOW UR MAKING PPL FEEL RN!?!?! We dont come here to get some speech from some one. I mean ur over here telling us how it would hurt people to talk to them that way reading that hurt MY FEELINGS!!!! so ur just a hypocrite. U have no room to talk. We never said we hated every one! We are all trying to help in our own ways. some people are saying others r wrong bc they may be they are saying that so no one else get wrong. So just think of all the people ur hurting with that comment. Do u feel guilty? I mean ur calling us morons and saying we will be miserable! That hurts rlly bad.
Just practice what preach.
And no one here is a moron dont let him/her tell u that stuff bc he/she just wants to make yall feel bad
@IActuallyHaveNoIdea Yeah, you really DO have no idea. Just because Ms. Sue created Jiskha doesn't mean she can't be annoying. As a matter of fact, you'd think she would have enough sense to know that telling us to stop cheating and that she won't give us the answers but rather help us isn't helpful. Ms. Sue is dead, too, she passed in December 2019, so I don't even see why this is still in discussion.
And don't compare how we talk to Ms. Sue to other scenarios. It's not the same. No one tells her to go die, so don't compare it that way.
And don't compare how we talk to Ms. Sue to other scenarios. It's not the same. No one tells her to go die, so don't compare it that way.
WHAT'S THE ANSWER ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(me just trying to find answers) (People)
ok if we don´t get any answers than use a calculator:)
They told you the answer already, but I will tell you all again :')
29,035 - (-1,349) = 30,384 positive
For the people who are confused
29,035 - (-1,349) = 30,384 positive
For the people who are confused
Below sea level means negative
Everyone please stop fighting.... it's been 9 years since this question was posted... and here we all are now fighting over someone who killed themselves saying we all caused it... and saying that we are selfish... I hope this person realizes what they have said because she/he just hurt people with what she/he said and insulted us... she/he thinks she's/he's a angel... yet she/he probably has disliked Ms. Sue's posts... so everyone is not perfect... and I hope she/he also realizes what she said could've caused people to kill themselves too... so yeah... remember everything I have said because you never know when we die... and she/he seems to only care about one person death rather than everyone who dies... and don't say that I have "never dealt with death" because your wrong... I have seen my father die when I was younger... so stop judging people when you need to focus on yourself... Goodbye!
i just came here for answers idk wtf yall talking bout
i actually have no idea you actually have no freaking idea shut the hell up how about you go die in a hole so get off this site and bye the way mrs.sue is a cyber bully just like you do you know what you are your a stupid peace of trash
wait if miss sue is gone then who helped me like three days ago???
a fake obv
Okay I am here to help. the answer is 30384 You get that by subtracting 29035--1349. Remember 1349 is negative so on the answer you would put. 29035--1349=30384. That simple that is all you have to do. 30384 is NOT negative.
Have a good day!! Hope I helped. Summer is in 16 days for georgia connections accdemy :)
Have a good day!! Hope I helped. Summer is in 16 days for georgia connections accdemy :)
A mountain climber on Mt. Everest is at 29,035 ft above sea level. A stone at the bottom of the Dead Sea is at 1,349 ft BELOW sea level. What is the DIFFERENCE in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone?
KEY words in the question BELOW sea level and DIFFERENCE
A mountain climber on Mt. Everest is at 29,035 ft above sea level. A stone at the bottom of the Dead Sea is at 1,349 ft BELOW sea level. What is the DIFFERENCE in elevation between the mountain climber and the stone?
KEY words in the question BELOW sea level and DIFFERENCE
for everyone who asked. 30384 is NOT negative
PLUS if you payed attention in Mrs.Keegan's class you would recognize this problem. we did the problem in Mrs.Keegan's class
29,035- (-1,349)=30,384
Hope this helps!
Hope this helps!
Please check your answers, not cheat. Thank you
For anyone still confused this is what the teacher taught us: All subtraction problems can be solved by adding the opposite of the number being subtracted. We would turn 29,035 -- -1,349 into 29,035 + 1,349.
Look I actually have no idea maybe you would have if you actually understood have a horrible day you're the worst.
Why can't you be reasonable like jj
this is so dumb wtf-
why r u guys arguing over things that have nothing to do with the question
just stay on page and be quiet
like dam 💀
why r u guys arguing over things that have nothing to do with the question
just stay on page and be quiet
like dam 💀
@weezer who asked
The way this got off-track is sickening. Some people already feel like losers in this world. And "hehe", I care. Do you know what it's like to lose someone? Obviously not! Instead of putting others down, calling them morons, making false claims, blaming them for someone's death, TAKE BLAME AND LIVE WITH IT! Ihavenoidea, you DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA, with your head in the clouds, you can't come back to Earth to see how others are suffering. ADMIT IT, skies aren't blue up there either. So, when YOU YOURSELF, can grow up, come back talk like the human being, the same thing we all are. Yes, some of us are still learning to be human. Some more than others.
And Weezer, I'm SOOO sorry. I can't began to think of what you went through.
I hate to break this loviedovie speach but I NEED ANSWERSS PPPPL COMONNN!!!!
I'm not trying to be rude in a way but i'm confused on what it is. Can someone explain?
Listen everyone, The answer is clear.
If you were to do the problem step by step or simply use a calculator you'd know that the answer is, 30384.
The problem would look like this 29,035 - (-1349) = 30384.
Do not copy and paste this. Instead work it out yourselves maybe work out the problem in your own way. But anyways this is your answer.
If you were to do the problem step by step or simply use a calculator you'd know that the answer is, 30384.
The problem would look like this 29,035 - (-1349) = 30384.
Do not copy and paste this. Instead work it out yourselves maybe work out the problem in your own way. But anyways this is your answer.
That is correct! Great job! Remember folks, let's try to stay on topic and respectful in the comments. Let's focus on helping each other out and learning together.
@Novaspace we do not have time to read your whole essay now someone give me answer NOWWWWWWWW
The answer to the problem is 30384.