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yet another dead chat
I'm not trying to start an argument or target anyone, but, honestly "Jiskha Girl" and "E340" are right. This website had no intent to become a place where people just give others a cheat sheet. It's meant for studying. Also, please don't just copy and
I don't care how long ago this was, but Oobleck has a point. And hey, at least he's actually trying to help and not just give a Cheat Sheet, like most kids do.
This isn't a cheating site either. It's to CHECK YOUR ANSWERS.
"hello" has a point. You kids think you're SO smart. Not really, you even show your endless hate towards Mrs.Sue when she just tries to keep the system of the site working properly. She even made this site, if you hate her so much, why don't you just
You all are brainless. I dare you to yell "I HATE YOU!" at a friend or parent and act like you mean it. How do you feel afterwards? Guilty? Sad? Well, guess what? The person you yelled at probably feels the same way. Stop hating Mrs.Sue, it won't fix any
Stop getting mad at Mrs.Sue. You don't know what she went through, and she only tries to help. Also, this is HER website, so why are you using it if you hate her, huh? Dislike this post. I don't care. It'll do NOTHING. Imagine what you've put them through,
Everyone, stop hating Mrs. Sue. She's the one actually doing all of the work, and deserves more respect. Dislike this post as much as you want, but it's still true.
Either you did lie, or the questions were shuffled around, because those answers will give a grade of 40%.
Oliver is truly the one deserving a punishment. Like [Anonymous] said, it's invasion of privacy, and sometimes could get someone arrested by the FBI or police. Not all people are cheaters, and just want to check their work. But of course, we're all kids,