A mass M of solid metal at temperature T is put into 3.0kg of water
which is initially at 90◦C. The metal and water are placed in an insulated
The specific heat for water is 4186 J
kg K . The metal has a melting point
of 60◦C. The latent heat associated with the solid-liquid transition of the
metal is 7.5 × 104 J
kg . The specific heat for the metal is 600 J
kg in the solid
phase and 400 J
kg in the liquid phase
Suppose that the initial temperature of the metal is T = −20◦C and
that M = 15kg. What is the final equilibrium temperature?
Suppose that the final equilibrium state occurred at a temperature of
60◦C (the melting point of the metal). Assuming that the metal was
initially solid at 0◦C, what range of M is consistent with this final
Suppose that the final state is liquid metal in equilibrium with water
at 75◦C. Given that the mass of the metal is M = 2.0kg, what was
the initial temperature T?
1 answer