You need the specific heat of gold, as well as that of water.
If you dopn't know it, see
Let's call the specific heats Cg and Cw. The heat loss of the gold in going from 99 to 38 C equals the heat energy gained by the water in going from 25 to 38 C.
0.47g*Cg*61 = M*Cw*13
M = 0.47g * (Cg/Cw) *(61/13)
Gold has a very low specific heat compared to water. You may surprised at how little water it takes to cool it. I was.
A Jeweler working with a heated 47g gold ring must lower the ring's temperature to make it safe to handle. If the ring is initially at 99 degrees Celsius, what mass of water at 25 degrees Celsius is needed to lower the ring's temperature to 38 degrees Celsius?
4 answers
i need help on this problem too
2.3 x 10^-3 kg
around 6 grams of water is needed