A heat pump is proposed that uses 50 degree F ground water to heat a house to 70 Degree F. The groundwater experiences a temperature drop of 12 degree F. If the house require 75,000 Btu/hr, Calculate the minimum mass flux of the groundwater and minimum HP required for the pump.

1 answer

Use the Carnot cycle H.C.O.P. and the required house heating rate to get the required heat transfer rate to ground water and the electrical input. Use Rankine temperatures for the HCOP.

The mass flow rate of ground water can be computed from the water temperature drop and the water heat transfer rate.

If you don't know what the HCOP is, do some Googling or reading of your course materials. Use Rankine temperatures, not Fahrenheit.

And please review my previous commentsabout your incorrect labeling of the subject