A group of friends spent the weekend in Paris. Say where they each went, using the passe compose of aller.
1. Nathalie est allee au Louvre.
2. Eric et Jerome sont alles au Musee d'Orsay.
3. Caroline et Claire sont allees au Centre Ponpidou.
4. Vincent est alle au Quartier Latin.
5. Emilie est allee aux Champs-Elysees.
6. Philippe et Francois sont alles au Jardin du Luxembourg.
***Please disregard missing accents. Thanks in advance for checking over my work.
4 answers
sentence 3: centre Pompidou
Naughty! Naughty! We do NOT disregard missing accents! If you are enrolled in AP or IB the word will be totally wrong without the necessary accent marks!
é, ç
é, ç
Is that all? Thanks! (that was a typo in sentence 3, but thanks anyway for pointing that out)
Yes, I know, I have the accents all correctly on my paper, but I was just looking to see if the verbs were correct, nothing else.