assume 1000grams. Then glucose is 25grams, and water 975 grams.
volume+ 1000/1.1=909 ml
molarity= (25/molmassglucose)/.909
A glucose (C6H12O6) solution is 2.5% glucose by mass. If the density of the
solution is 1.10 g/mL, what is the molarity of glucose/water solution?
5 answers
How did you get the amount of water?
volume+ 1000/1.1=909 ml? I don't get this...
I understand how you got the water
I understand how you got the water
you have 1000 total grams, the density is 1.1g/ml, so volume= 1000/1.1 ml
Oh... I get it now! Thank you very much. Your help is greatly appreciated.