To calculate the local time in Sierra Leone when the football match starts in Lagos, we need to account for the time difference between the two locations based on their longitudes.
- Lagos, Nigeria (Longitude: 7° East)
- Manballer, Sierra Leone (Longitude: 13° West)
Next, we can determine the time difference between Lagos and Sierra Leone by calculating the longitudinal difference:
Total longitudinal difference:
- From 7° East to 0° (Greenwich) = 7°
- From 0° (Greenwich) to 13° West = 13°
- Total = 7° + 13° = 20°
Time difference calculation:
The Earth rotates 360° in 24 hours, which means it rotates 15° per hour.
Therefore, the time difference for the 20° is calculated as follows:
\[ \text{Time difference} = \frac{20°}{15°/\text{hour}} = \frac{20}{15} = \frac{4}{3} \text{ hours} \approx 1.33 \text{ hours or 1 hour and 20 minutes} \]
Since Lagos is to the east of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone will be behind Lagos by approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Match time in Lagos:
- The match is scheduled for 5:45 PM in Lagos.
Adjusting for the time difference:
- Subtract 1 hour and 20 minutes from 5:45 PM:
\[ 5:45 PM - 1 \text{ hour} = 4:45 PM \]
\[ 4:45 PM - 20 \text{ minutes} = 4:25 PM \]
Therefore, fans in Sierra Leone can tune in to their radios for the commentary at 4:25 PM local time on Saturday.