looks like everything is referenced in terms of quarters, so start with :
let the number of quarters be x
dimes ---- x+138
nickels ---- 2x
pennies ---- 14x + 28
Now that you have the NUMBER of coins defined, we go for the VALUE of those coins
25x + 10(x+138) + 5(2x) + 1(14x+28) = 2942
I am sure you can finish that
A family has a coin jar that is now full. The children count the change and calculate the total value to be $29.42. Let Q represent the number of quarters and use the information below to find the number of each coin.
There are:
138 more dimes than quarters
2 times as many nickels as quarters
28 more than 14 times as many pennies as quarters
In the jar there was:
nickels, and
2 answers
wow thank you so much!!